Sunday, September 27, 2009

New Adventures for the Moreau Family

So...things are changing in our house. As people heard today at church that DJ is now second counselor in Young Men and I am the nursery leader. Some things in our personal lives are changing too. We are working on going to the temple to be sealed for time and eternity!!! We are so close and it is so exciting. We are making changes in our lives to bring our lives closer to our Heavenly Father. We are trying to completely immerse ourselves in the service of our Heavenly Father and are receiving so many blessings. Our new callings are going to bring us so many blessings. DJ is going to get the amazing opportunity to impact the lives of these young men and be an example for them. DJ is so excited for this chance to work with the youth. While my calling may seem to some as a hard task, I see it as a chance to really teach these children about their Heavenly Father and his wonderful blessings he gives us for following in his ways. These young children are so willing to learn and teach me so many amazing things. I am so excited for this new chapter in the Moreau family. I am so excited to get to spend time with these lovely children since we do not have a child of our own yet. Life is amazing!!!


  1. Good luck! I know how blessed I feel getting to work with the children at the day care. Nothing is quite like having a three year old run up, hug you, and say "I love you Ms. Tasha!" Working with children isn't necessarily easy, but I feel it is one of the most rewarding things you can do.

  2. I am so glad you feel this way about your new calling! Working with the children in the ward is so rewarding!! Thankyou for accepting this calling we are happy to have you.

  3. WAHOO!!! You started a blog, I am excited to keep reading it. You and DJ are a great couple, can't wait to spend more time with you guys. Thanks for the fun time and great dinner last night! See you soon :) This is Keli by the way :)
